Sweet – smelling urine may be caused by diet, diabetes, or maple syrup urine disease. Learn why urine may smell sweet, treatments, and when . But the scent after you wee . Of course, having diabetes increases the chances of spilling . My urine is VERY strong in odor, like a sickeningly sweet smell. What could be some causes of the this?
NHS Choices information on smelly urine, with links to other useful resources. Feeling very thirsty and tire peeing more than usual, sweet – smelling pee , type . Q: Why does my urine smell like maple syrup? A: If you notice a very distinct sweet smell as you urinate, this could mean one of two things: . In fact, pee that has a strong ammonia smell , or a foul or slightly- sweet scent is often the first indication that you have a UTI.
A burning sensation during urination may be a symptom of a UTI. The urine may also have an abnormally sweet odor in uncontrolled diabetes, . Everyone warning you about type diabetes is spot on. Given that the cause in many cases is uncontrolled diabetes, the common symptoms connected with sweet smelling urine belong to diabetes .
So, I jumped in and got a blood glucose meter and tested my levels . Sweet smelling urine usually means there is sugar or glucose in the urine. It may be something to have checked out by your doctor, as it can be a sign of . I am and thought this was just another of the wonderful joys of aging. But as time went on I realized that my urine was smelling very sweet.
Foul-smelling urine may be due to bacteria. Urine with sweet smelling may be caused by diabetes mellitus, or maple sugar urine disease. Treating the conditions can help control the sweet smell. Here are all the things that are likely to give you smelly urine, from the totally. People with undiagnosed diabetes may notice slightly sweet – smelling urine.
If symptoms are accompanied by a constant thirst, headaches and . Strong-smelling urine has several possible causes. Diabetes: Strong sweet – smelling urine is a sign of advanced diabetes, which can be . I have occasionally noticed my urine smelling very sweet , only in maybe the past month. Last night I over ate on . It only started this afternoon.
From sweet smelling pee that shrieks of uncontrolled diabetes to urine that smells strongly of ammonia due to urinary stones or musty due to . Diabetes may result in sweet smelling urine due to high blood sugar from your body not being able to process sugars. Be sure to visit your GP if .
Urine usually has little odor to it, so you may be puzzled if yours smells stronger than.